Choosing a doctor is not actually a major concern for many families as some bring their own brood to the doctor they have been consulting with since childhood. However, if a child was born prematurely or with some health defects, most family doctors will likely refer the child to a pediatrician, as this type of doctor will have more advanced knowledge when it comes to pediatric medicine and treatments.

Both family doctors and pediatrician must be board-certified as attestation to their knowledge and skill as primary care doctors. They also have to take continuing studies relevant to their field of medicines because after 7 years of practicing medicine, both need to retake and pass the board examination anew,

Generally, family doctors treat patients of any age or illness, but when taking into consideration the age and health needs of the children, consulting and bringing one’s child to a pediatrician would be a wiser decision.

Advantages of Having a Pediatrician as Your Child’s Primary Care Doctor

Considering your child’s age and health needs, it’s important that you trust the medical professional who will help you address and make decisions about your child’s well-being. Also as your child’s pediatrician, it is important that they can answer any of your inquiries about their prescription. They should be your primary source of information concerning your child’s health as they are your child’s main doctor.

Pediatricians’ specialty are in children’s health which also encompasses their mental, physical, and social health. Until the age of 2, visits to the pediatrician are regular, but past that age there would only be annual visits.

To become a pediatrician, it is required to attend 4 years of proper medical school and 3 years as medical residents in pediatrics afterwards. During their time there studying, they should also be updated about the current advancements in pediatric medicine and children’s health in general. Others prefer to specialize in a particular specialty in pediatrics such as pediatric cardiologists.

As pediatricians, they are expected to be great at  communicatingr with kids, applying sensitivity and understanding when doing so. Particularly when they are explaining to the parents information about their child’s personal and issues and health condition

Since their focus is on children, they can be expected to be better at talking to kids by considering their age level. When discussing a child’s delicate and personal issues and health conditions with the parents, pediatricians make it a point to apply sensitivity and understanding.

Pediatricians basically know your child’s medical history since day one as they monitor your baby after delivery and usually do rounds on them. When pediatricians don’t have gynecological care available for girls, they usually refer the issue to their ob-gynecologist colleague to address the issue.