Liver Transplant: Common reasons – Study indicates that liver is the most organ in the body. Liver disorders are becoming more and more prevalent today. It’s important to understand the scenarios under. Here are some of the most common causes of a liver transplant:

Hepatitis – is caused by the viral disease that leads to swelling, and cell death. This results in scarring or liver destruction. The different kinds of hepatitis are A, B, C, D and E. Hepatitis B is the major sign of liver cancer worldwide.

Autoimmune Hepatitis – In this sort of hepatitis, the immune system of the body is unable to recognize it’s own liver tissue. It begins to injure the liver cells and that results in end stage liver disease, liver cirrhosis and scarring. This disease isn’t caused by a virus.

Non Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease – This disorder is caused by Fat accumulation in the liver cells. It’s said that alcohol is the source of a liver problem. But this problem can be seen in patients with obesity and diabetes. This condition can lead to liver cirrhosis.

Laennec Cirrhosis – The effects of alcohol cause cirrhosis. Alcohol abuse may cause harm to the liver that’s one of the causes for liver transplant.