Understanding the Urologist and Nephrologist
A urologist specializes in treating all parts of the system. The system includes ureters, bladder, urethra and adrenal glands, in addition to the prostate and testicles in men. Urologists perform surgery on the urinary tract and kidneys, and cope with urology conditions like kidney stones, kidney blockages, kidney, bladder and prostate cancer, incontinence, low testosterone, erectile dysfunction etc.. Urology’s field is immense, and it overlaps not only with nephrology, but also with oncology, gynaecology, andrology surgery, gastroenterology, and endocrinology.
Nephrologists and urologists both work in private practice and hospitals. In treating specific age groups, they may specialize: there are urologists in addition to nephrologists. There are urologists who specialize in pediatric urologists disorders, reconstructive urologists, oncologists that are urological, laparoscopists, endourologist, female and the reproductive system.
A nephrologist is a kidney professional that analyzes chronic liver disorder, oversees dialysis programs and centers and treats ending stage renal disorder, urinary tract ailments modulate the crystals known as linked to atherosclerosis, chemicals, and also copes with disorders which may cause kidney disease issues, such as diabetes and higher blood pressure. He urges patients to get a kidney transplant. Treatments are delivered by A nephrologist. A number of the patients can require operation – that means of a urologist performs. A nephrologist is in charge of a patient’s maintenance just before and after.
Since a urologist and a nephrologist’s functions tend to overlap, nephrologists and urologists work together to diagnose and treat patients. Once the treatment of a condition has both requirements the cases aren’t uncommon: a patient may require a nephrologist, a urologist – or both. However, they each are trained to take care of a specific sort of problems.