Even if you believe you’re using the best women’s supplements for energy and weight loss, it’s always best to let your doctor know about your weight loss plan. As a matter of fact, your personal doctor can even help you in losing extra weight as she can provide the right answers to important weight loss questions.

What to Ask Your Doctor about Your Weight-Loss Regime

Aside from getting a clean bill of health that will make it safe for you to take natural weight loss supplements like fat burners, you should also ask you doctor the following questions:

What Should Be Your Target Weight

Know the ideal weight goal to attain since different individuals have different physique and physical characteristics. You cannot know the exact answer if you’re going through a weight loss program on your own. What most doctors do is to calculate your body mass index (BMI) based on your present weight and height to determine if you really have excess weight issues. While some may turn out to have a healthy weight, some others are confirmed as obese or overweight. Others may even be gauged as underweight.

How Long Will It Take for You to Achieve Your Target Weight?

Your age is a determining factor, as there are hormonal changes that affect a woman’s ability to absorb certain nutrients at a certain age. Your doctor will suggest that you take a supplement that does not contain a particular type of weight loss ingredient, although this could mean it could take you longer to lose weight. Nonetheless, it will also help you keep the timeframe for achieving your weight loss goal, more realistic.

Actually, rapid weight loss is only true during the initial stages of taking weight loss supplements. Most medical experts know that the 1 or 2 pounds lost per week are mostly water and muscle, but necessarily the fats stored in your body. Those who are 30 pounds overweight may even brag about losing 3 up to 5 pounds every week during the first phase; but unless their weight loss supplement, their eating habits and physical activities work toward preventing their body from storing additional fat, rapid weight loss cannot be sustained for long.

Will Losing Weight Allow You to Stay Healthy

If your doctor gives you the go signal to proceed with your weight loss program including the supplements you are taking, your doctor will still monitor your vitals to make sure long term use has not affected your healthy condition.

Health problems are not always evident, as some may have had the beginnings of a diabetic condition or thyroid problem, prior to making consultations about a weight loss supplement. In letting your doctor be aware that you are taking a weight loss treatment, she might recommend a medically prescribed weigh loss supplement that will not interfere with a medical prescription to cure an emerging health issue.

You family’s medical history is also a factor, which most doctors are likely to ask. Some people belong to a genetical lineage that has consistent history of manifesting a type of disease by the time they reach a certain age, In such cases, it’s possible that a doctor will give advise to stay on a specific diet, and engage in more exercise before deciding on an alternative weight loss drug to recommend.