In the treatment of obesity, you should permanently reduce body. Furthermore, this means supporting patients in maintaining their weight loss for as long as possible.
Permanent weight reduction reduces the risk of secondary diseases. The ability of those affected to work should be maintained and their quality of life improved.
Which treatment is carried out in detail and makes sense depends on the severity of the obesity and on the existing personal risk factors and concomitant diseases. The age and wishes of the patient can also influence the therapy decision.
How can you lose weight through diet?
In order to lose weight, the body has to expend more energy than it takes in. This can be achieved, for example, by eating a low-calorie diet.
Highly restricted calorie diets can be associated with undesirable health outcomes such as gallstone disease, malnutrition, hair loss and thinning of the skin. The reduced diet may require additional minerals, such as potassium or calcium, or vitamins. Therefore, before starting this treatment, a thorough medical examination and regular medical checks during the diet are necessary.
Dietary supplements can also help you lose weight. Check and see if this supplement is perfect for you.
How Does Exercise Help You Lose Weight?
You can also lose weight by increasing the body’s calorie requirements, for example through exercise. A higher level of exercise increases daily energy expenditure.
In addition to guided exercise programs, activities that are integrated into everyday life can contribute to higher energy expenditure. Such activities include taking the stairs instead of the elevator, brisk walking, cycling, or gardening.
How can behavioral therapy help with weight loss?
Changing everyday habits is a major challenge for many people and difficult to accomplish without support. Many people who are overweight or obese are unable to achieve their desired weight loss goals, even though they are informed about the options and have the determination to do so. In these cases, behavioral therapy can be helpful.
The aim of behavioral therapy is for patients to recognize and change behaviors that have led to the development of obesity and contribute to the maintenance of the disease. Behavioral therapy tries to do this with different learning content and strategies.
When are appetite suppressants and other medications used?
In certain cases of obesity, additional treatment with medication can also be considered to reduce body weight. However, this option is only considered if a change in diet and more exercise alone does not result in sufficient weight loss. Side effects can occur when medication is used. The long-term effects of the individual drugs have also not yet been sufficiently investigated.